Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 Lollipop update in the US coming in January

Samsung Galaxy S5 

Lollipop update in the US 

coming in January 

No matter how quickly Samsung or any other manufacturer manages to release an update to a particular device, carriers in the US always ensure these updates get delayed in some form or the other before reaching users. However, when it comes to Android 5.0 for the Galaxy S5, US carriers could start rolling out the update as soon as January, if a leaked document are to be believed.

A leaked email has revealed that Samsung has begun briefing retailers with info on the upcoming Lollipop update. The email talks about retailers updating the demo mode devices are on when they’re on shelves, and basically says that the Lollipop update will start rolling out in January. According to the leakster that obtained the email, the Galaxy S5 has the most focus as far as the update is concerned, which doesn’t come as surprising as the Galaxy S5 has already been updated to Lollipop in some parts of Europe.

Of course, it remains to be seen if all the major carriers will be able to push out the update in January itself. However, it’s still a good sign of how things are changing when it comes to Android updates, when even Samsung devices are able to get major new versions of the OS so quickly, and that too through the notorious stateside carriers.

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